we love you all! We say this just in case the weather people are correct and we do get the 4 feet of snow they are saying is heading our way. California has been hit hard by these storms and SarahBeth hasn't seen her school since last week, I don't think she is missing it much. So, just in case this is the end of the world, at least as we knew it, maybe Heaven's Gate Cult was right and the Earth needs to recycle itself, we say thanks for the memories, the laughs and the love.
SarahBeth wants to leave a "Happier Note" she says "Live long and prosper"!
"Oh SarahBeth, are you becoming a trekkie?"
"Sweet dear mother, NO (she says as she rolls her eyes)!"
"Ok, sweet love of mine, apple of my eye!" Mom says as she nearly chokes to death on her laughter.
"You just love me way to much. Can't you neglect me like other parents do their teens." She yells as she stomps downstairs to her room.
Yes, downstairs! We keep her in the basement.
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