Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sarahbeth as Abby...

So, Sarahbeth and I keep looking at her face in the FALA*WEEN post. We just could not figure out why she was round and red in the face, until last night. That picture was taken Friday and on Thursday during lunch a friend gave Sarahbeth a cookie. Sarahbeth took a bite and then spit it out (ok gross fact, but true!) What she tasted and the friend didn't know in the cookie were nuts. We thought she would feel just a little off as she did not eat them but we were wrong. She ended up home from school for 2 days and returned yesterday. OH how I hate those stupid little nuts!


  1. I take it she's allergic to nuts. That stinks, how does her body react to them? Our Kroger doesn't do that but you're lucky. I actually have a 1 1/2" binder with the baseball card slips and I'm incorporating another system of filing the coupons as well. :) It's been fun!

  2. scary! im glad her reaction wasnt worse! they sure had fun costumes for halloween!

  3. Jessica,
    Right now her face blows up and turns red. We are lucky we finally found out what was "eating" her face when she was in 4th grade. We did skin test and blood and x-rays and saw doctor after doctor. Grandpa Larry after nearly a year of this figured it out. His brother was about the same age when he became allergic to nuts.

    Scary yes! I love designing the kids costumes every year. I think Jarod is outgrowing Halloween. He just wasn't into it this year.

    Love to you both!
