Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sarahbeth has gone vampire!

Hey guys!! Yes, I have gone vampire. I have a cool vampire name, Sahara Nightgale. My mother has been having a ball with me about a vampire book/movie, which I won't name. So she has been letting me stay up late and watch some of her movies.

Lost boys. The first one and it was very very cool. All night I wished that David would fly in the window and bite me!

Dracula 2000. Man, was this one good. Not only was Gerard Butler good looking to me but the story behind it was the best. Not that I'm saying I like Gerard Butler but he is hot stuff and this was a good movie.

Interview with a Vampire...
I have not seen this movie yet. I have to read the book before I can see the movie.

But only one thing could make this movie bad and that is Tom Cruise not playing dear Lestat right. But Louis (Brad Pitt) makes up for all of that.

So far this is all we have watched but that works for me. I also have Faer the vampire in my book I'm writing. And I have one more thing before you go.


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