Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One awesome teen...

I just have to say to anyone worried about the "teen" years that they can be great. I have an awesome teenager. She is required by her school to volunteer 30 hours a year to graduate. Great stuff, however we thought it was more hours or they changed it. Anyway, she already has something like 146 hours because we wanted to get a start on it this summer and she volunteered at the library and helped out with FLOC. She plans to do more volunteer work. She actually wants to join "Glamour Girls" a group of girls from her high school who go into a retirement center and Glam-Up the women who live there. I have to say I would love to see this since she doesn't wear make-up or nail polish. She also makes me smile and/or laugh everyday when I pick her up from school. When she leaves us in 4 years to go to college I am sure going to miss her.

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