I would! I hate these things! This is Hannah's right forearm. That large bump is a blood clot! Yes it hurts and it is still growing and really fast. I just did a body check Saturday and she had a small one in her armpit. The next night she came to me saying that her arm hurt and this was there. It was half the size then. We need prayers this stays superficial, if it breaks off and travels through her body and hits her lungs, heart or brain she will be lost to us. The lungs may be able to handle it but the heart and brain can't.
She has had a bad month in May. Neck pain were Dr. Avery operated over a year ago. Leg pain all month and weird chest pain. She is also "storing" fluid in her chest and stomach, this may be the pain in her ribs. And now a blood clot plus cough most likely caused by our change in weather. We have rain in the afternoon almost everyday. Nice for the forest, hard on her lungs.
All of this and you would think she would be a grouch but she isn't she is a true joy to love and is still our little lover. She is one tough Angel!