I had a great weekend, at times. First Sarah and I went to Phoenix to see Billy Elliot (Broadway Show). I used google map for directions which were WRONG! Got lost a little but found our way. After show we got really, really lost, trying to find a Sweet Tomatoes, we love salad! Anyways, sweet dear hubbie 2 hours away in Flagstaff helped us find our way home. YEAH for great Hubbies!
When I left our half bath (which our agent feels is the only thing that "dates" our house) looked like this...well I'll be I took pictures of it before I left and my camera lost them, really weird. Anyway, it had a toilet and a pedestal sink in a ugly color we think is called mexican sand. Just a note this house was not built in the 70's but in the 90's but mexican sand color would have gone great in a 70's home.
Now I have a cute and clean looking room see...

Thank you my sweet boys, Art and Jarod did this for me, I planned to help Art do it on Sunday but my men did it for me:)
Thank you Dad! This is the sink and cabinet you found at Home Depot, isn't it cute?
Now does anyone want to buy my house, PLEASE?