Today is the last day of FALA's Spirit week. Sarah has gone to school in her PJ's, as Odd Thomas from the Dean Koontz Books and as Tonks from Harry Potter for Hero day. Well today is FALA*WEEN so she went as... That's right Abby from NCIS! Later she is going to her first High School dance!
OK...She has 4 female cousins and 2 males cousins, 5 of them are married! From them we have... Boys 5 Girls 4 Coming soon 1 boy in Dec., 1 boy in Jan. and 1 unknown at this time in Feb. WOW! The boys are in lead. We need the unknown to be twin girls to help the girls catch-up!
Uncle Tiger gave Grandma a gift card to buy fabric. Here is a few of the pillowcases we made for medically fragile children. Somewhere in our small town a child who is going to bed with a special smile thanks to you Uncle Tiger! P.S. he is really The Worlds BEST Uncle! We love you! ROAR!
for children who have passed away. We will be lighting in memory of Ian, Sahara (Our KT friends who passed this year) and Curtis (our uncle who died as a child in 1963).