Mom's BFF is either sick or dying. He is a real mess right now. He has fallen apart into small pieces. Mom is afraid he will never be the same again. With his ok we have added a few pictures so you know "who" you are praying for... WARNING THIS IS NOT PRETTY!

His insides!

His front!

Oh the pain! He was once so pretty.
In case you are wondering how we know it is a "he", simple he fell apart into several small pieces, no woman would that. Woman are way to strong for that! Also the part to fix him, at least we hope that is the problem has been ordereed. Mom will be without her BFF for at least a week. I hope our HOA doesn't mind the laundry drying out back for a week. No way a family of 6 can go a whole week with doing some laundry. Also our "repairman" is Dad, so once the part arrives we have to wait until his day off to put him back together. LOL!